National Art Day from INK!

Ink Team
2 min readJan 31, 2020


It’s National Art Day and as creators, we thought of no better way to celebrate than to shine a light on our in-house artist, Kim. She’s got some great tips and tricks to share with you, campaign launchers!

What is your first memory of creating art?

My first memory of creating art was in elementary school. I was in kindergarten getting ready to create a monster face out of foam paper. The teacher was going over instructions in front of the class. We weren’t supposed to start until she was done explaining. I had already started when the girl sitting next to me said I shouldn’t be cutting stuff out yet. I told her I was supposed to, finding out I was wrong when the teacher stopped explaining how to make the face, came to me and pulled apart what I had already glued on. From what I remember, the teacher wasn’t too happy with me. “Told you so.” said the girl. I cried that day.

How would you describe your style?

I am going to say my style is flexible for Ink to the People. I can’t really say I have a style of designing t-shirts. I create whatever the project needs and what a person requests. It can be as simple as plain wording to detailed illustrations.

What advice do you have for someone taking on a design project for the first time?

Take a stab at it. I am not one that comes from a full design world. I graduated with an Illustrations Bachelors, so when stepping into something that is designed, I would research it. Watch youtube videos, look at another artist’s work. Use all of this to your advantage to create something wonderful. Always seek someone else’s eye to get feedback to create an even better and successful design.

Where do you start in the creation process of a new t-shirt design?

PINTEREST! If it doesn’t come to the top of my head, I go to Pinterest! I pin a mood board or ideas I like in order to create this new t-shirt design. They don’t always have to relate to each other. The pictures I pin can be completely different, yet, give me a good “start-up” to begin sketching!



Ink Team

Todd, Kim, and Team share their thoughts and insights about fundraising and more specifically, the world of t-shirt fundraising.